(pō′lĭnd) A rare developmental anomaly in which one pectoralis muscle and the fingers on the same side of the body are hypoplastic or aplastic. The disease is not genetically transmitted but occurs spontaneously
[L. polaris] Pert. to a pole.
(pō″lă-rĭm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + Gr. metron, measure] An instrument for measuring amount of polarization of light or rotation of polarized light.
(pō″lăr-ĭm′ĕ-trē) The measurement of the amount and rotation of polarized light.
(pō-lăr′ĭ-tē) 1. The quality of having poles. 2. The exhibition of opposite effects at the two extremities in physical therapy. 3. The positive or negative state of an electrical battery. 4. In cell division, the relation of cell constituents to the poles of the cell.
(pō″lă-rĭ-zā′shŏn) 1.A condition in a ray of light in which vibrations occur in only one plane. 2. In a galvanic battery, collection of hydrogen bubbles on the negative plate and oxygen on the positive plate, whereby generation of current is impeded. 3. The electrical state that exists at the cell membrane of an excitable cell at rest, in which the inside is negatively charged in relation to the outside. The difference is created by the distribution of ions within the cell and in the extracellular fluid. SYN: resting potential. SEE: depolarization.
(pō′lă-rīz″ĕr) The part of a polariscope that polarizes light.
(pōl) [L. polus fr. Gr. polos, pivot, hinge, axis (of the globe), sky] 1. The extremity of any axis about which forces acting on it are symmetrically disposed. SYN: polus. 2. One of two points in a magnet, cell, or battery having opposite physical qualities. 3. In biology, the regions around each endpoint of a diameter (esp. an axis) of a sphere.
animal p. The part of an ovum where the inner cell mass and the polar bodies form. At this point, polar bodies are formed and pinched off and protoplasm is concentrated and has its greatest activity.
p. of the eye The anterior and posterior extremities of the optic axis.
frontal p. The most forward tip of the frontal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere.
germinal p. The pole of an ovum at which the development begins.
p. of the kidney The superior and inferior extremities of the kidney.
occipital p. The posterior extremity of the occipital lobe.
pelvic p. The breech end of ...