(noo″mō-tō-nom′ĕ-trē) [pneumo- + tonometry] A noninvasive method of estimating the intraocular pressure of the eye by exposing the cornea to a sudden puff or blast of air. It is less reliable than applanation tonometry.
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
(nī″gŏ-fō′bē-ă) [Gr. pnigos, choking + -phobia] Morbid fear of choking or smothering. It is sometimes experienced in angina pectoris.
Symbol for the element polonium.
partial pressure of oxygen.
(pŏk) A pustule of an eruptive fever, esp. of smallpox.
(pŏk′ĕt) A saclike cavity.
gingival p. Periodontal p.
periodontalp. A pathologically deepened gingival sulcus enlarged beyond normal limits as a result of the destructive effects of bacterial plaque; the space bordered on one side by the tooth and the other side by ulcerated sulcular epithelium. The pocket contains inflammatory cells and destructive enzymes released by bacteria, and is surrounded by diseased gum tissue. SYN: gingival p.
(pŏk-mărkd) Pitted or marked with scars from healed pustules, esp. those due to smallpox.
point-of-care ultrasound.
(pō-dal′ik) Pert. to a foot or to the feet.
A World Wide Web feed of audio or video files for playing on mobile devices such as MP3 players at a later time and at a listener's or viewer's convenience.
(pŏ-dī′ă-trist″) [podo- + -iatric] A health professional specializing in podiatry. A podiatrist performs surgical procedures and prescribes corrective devices, drugs, and physical therapy as legally authorized in the state in which he or she is practicing. SYN: chiropodist. SEE: podiatry.
(pō-dī′ă-trē, pŏ-dī′ă-trē) The examination, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and care of conditions and functions of the foot. podiatric (pōd″ē-a′trik), adj. SYN: chiropody.
(pō′dē-ŭm) [Gr. podos, foot] A footlike projection.
[Gr. pous, stem pod-, foot] Prefixes meaning foot. SEE: 1pedo-.
(pod′ŏ-sīt″) [podo- + -cyte] A ...