(ploor′ăl) [pleur- + -al] Pert. to the pleura.
pleural drainage unit
ABBR: PDU. A device to evacuate fluids from the pleural cavity. Most PDUs consist of three chambers: one to collect fluids such as blood, pus, or pleural effusions; a second to maintain a water seal; and a third to control suction.
Thickening of the pleura or of the pleural shadow on an x-ray. It may be an indication of pleural disease, pleural effusion, or infiltration by cancer.
(ploo-rĕk′tō-mē) [″ + ektome, excision] Excision of part of the pleura.
(ploo′rĭs-ē) [Gr. pleuritis] Inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleurae that surround the lungs and line the thoracic cavity. It may be primary or secondary; unilateral, bilateral, or local; acute or chronic; fibrinous, serofibrinous, or purulent. Common causes of pleurisy include viral infections, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, rib fracture, and serositis from autoimmune diseases. SYN: pleuritis.
SYMPTOMS: Sharp stabbing pain exacerbated by breathing is characteristic.
PATIENT CARE: Respiratory function is monitored by auscultation, observation of breathing pattern, and oximetry. The patient is positioned in the high Fowler position to facilitate chest expansion. Rest is encouraged. Deep breathing using incentive spirometry is encouraged every 1 to 2 hr to prevent atelectasis. To reduce discomfort when coughing, the patient should splint the chest with a pillow and administer analgesic drugs and use noninvasive measures, such as local application of warm or cool compresses. Respiratory toilet is provided if secretions are present. Rest is recommended. Prescribed medical regimens are carried out, with treatment directed at the underlying cause, and the patient's responses evaluated. Severe pain may be managed with intercostal nerve block. Thoracentesis may be required if pleural effusion is present.
adhesive p. Pleurisy in which the exudate causes the parietal pleura to adhere to the visceral. If this is extensive, the pleural space is obliterated.
diaphragmatic p. Inflammation of the diaphragmatic pleura. Symptoms include intense pain under the margin of the ribs, sometimes referred into the abdomen, with tenderness upon pressure; thoracic breathing; tenderness over the phrenic nerve referred to the supraclavicular region in the neck on the same side; hiccough; and extreme dyspnea.
dry p. A condition in which the pleural membrane is covered with a fibrinous exudate.
p. with effusion Pleural effusion.
tuberculous p. Inflammation of the pleura as a result of tuberculosis. The effusion may be bloody.
typhoid p. Pleurisy with symptoms of typhoid.
(ploo-rĭt′ĭk) [Gr. pleuritis, pleurisy] Relating to, or resembling, pleurisy.