plasma skin regeneration
ABBR: PSR. A treatment for removing abnormal skin pigmentation, fine lines, acne scarring, and abnormal skin texture, in which ionized gas (plasma) is used to remove superficial or deeper skin layers. Nitrogen gas is typically stripped of its electrons, and then applied to the skin as a spray. This heats the dermis (the layer of skin beneath the epidermis). The epidermal layer peels off a few days after treatment, while new collagen grows within the dermis, giving the skin a smoother appearance. PSR is an alternative to laser skin resurfacing.
(plăz″mă-thĕr′ă-pē) [″ + Gr. therapeia, service] Plasma exchange therapy.
(plăz-măt′ĭk) 1. Pert. to plasma. 2. Formative or plastic.
plasma transglutaminase
Fibrin-stabilizing factor.
plasma volume expander
(plăz′mĭd) A piece of extrachromosomal, double-stranded DNA found in most bacteria. Plasmids replicate when a bacterium divides and are passed to subsequent cells. The products of plasmid genes are enzymes that provide resistance to antibiotics or that synthesize bacteriocins or other toxins. SYN: episome. SEE: bacteriocin; transposon.
(plăz′mĭn) A fibrinolytic enzyme derived from its precursor plasminogen. SYN: fibrinolysin.
(plăz-mĭn′ō-jĕn) A protein found in many tissues and body fluids; important in preventing fibrin clot formation.
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
A protein that degrades extracellular tissues. It has been linked to the invasive and metastatic spread of cancers.
Prefixes meaning plasma or cytoplasm.
(plăz″mō-dĕz′mă-tă) sing., plasmodesma [″ + Gr. desmos, bond] Tunnels in plant cell walls. These facilitate communication between cells.
(plăz-mō′dē-ăl) Pert. to plasmodia.
(plaz-mōd′ē-ŭm) A genus of protozoa belonging to subphylum Sporozoa, class Telosporidia; includes causative agents of malaria in humans and lower animals. SEE: malaria; mosquito.
P. falciparum The causative agent of malignant (falciparum) malaria.
P. knowlesi A species found in Southeast Asia. It is structurally similar to P. malariae. Although it primarily infects other primates, it can infect humans and produce a debilitating febrile illness.
P. malariae The causative agent of quartan malaria.
P. ovale The causative agent of benign tertian or ovale malaria.
P. vivax The causative agent of benign tertian or vivax malaria.
(plăz-mō′dē-ŭm) pl. plasmodia [L. plasma, form, mold, ...