(fīt″ō-noo′trē-ĕnt) A metabolically active or nourishing substance derived from plants. Examples of phytonutrients are carotene, lutein, and lycopene.
(fī″tō-rĕ-mēd′ē-ā′shŭn) The use of trees and plants to remove pollutants from the environment.
(fī-tos-tĕ-rol″, -rol″) [phyto- + sterol] Any sterol present in vegetable oil or fat. A common phytosterol is sitosterol.
(fīt″ō-ther′ă-pē) [phyto + therapy] The use of plant extracts in the maintenance of health or the treatment of disease. phytotherapeutic (fīt″ō-ther″ă-pūt′ik), adj. phytotherapeutics (fīt″ō-ther″ă-pūt′iks), n.
(fīt″ŏ-tok′sĭn) [phyto- + toxin] A toxin produced by or derived from a plant. SYN: plant toxin. SEE: ricin.
pneumonia and influenza; protection and indemnification.
The pH at which a molecule or ion carries no net charge.
(pī′ă, pē′ă) [L. pia, loyal, pious] The pia mater. SEE: under mater.
pia-arachnoid, piarachnoid
(pī″ă-ă-rak′noyd″, pē″ă-ă-rak′noyd″, pī″ă-rak′noyd″, pē″ă-rak′noyd″) [pia + arachnoid] 1. Pert. to the leptomeninges. 2. Leptomeninges.
(pē-ă-zhā′) Swiss philosopher and psychologist, 1896–1980, whose work provided understanding of how children's thinking differs from adults' and of how children learn. Concerning education, he said, "The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things."
(pī′ăl, pē′ăl) Pert. to the pia mater.
(pē-an′, pyan) [Fr. pians] Yaws.
(pī′kă) [L. pica, magpie] An eating disorder manifested by a craving to ingest material not normally considered food, e.g., starch, clay, ashes, crayons, cotton, grass, cigarette butts, soap, wood, paper, or plaster. This condition is seen in pregnancy, chlorosis, hysteria, helminthiasis, and certain psychoses. It may also be associated with iron-deficiency anemia. The importance of this condition, whose cause is unknown, stems from the toxicity of ingested material, e.g., paint that contains lead, or from ingesting materials in place of essential nutrients. The inclusion of compulsive ingestion of nonfood and food items such as licorice, croutons, chewing gum, coffee grounds, or oyster shells as examples of pica is controversial. SYN: perverted appetite. SEE: allotriophagy; geophagia; taste.
(pĭ-kar′ĭd-ĭn) 1-methyl-propyl 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperidinecarboxylate, an insect repellent.
peripherally inserted central venous catheter.