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(flĕ-bot′ŏ-mē) [phlebo- + -tomy] The puncturing of a vein or the surgical opening of a vein to withdraw blood. SYN: blood draw. SEE: illus.






(flē′bō-vī-rŭs) A genus of single-stranded RNA viruses, transmitted to people by the bite of infected insects. Common examples include Rift Valley fever virus and Toscana virus. Phleboviruses can cause hemorrhagic fevers, meningitis, and meningoencephalitis, among other illnesses. SEE: Toscana virus.


(flem) [L. phlegma, fr. Gr. phlegma, flame, a bodily humor] 1. Thick mucus, esp. from the respiratory passages. 2. One of the four humors of early physiology.


(fleg-mā′zhă) [Gr. phlegmasia, turgescence] An inflammation.

p. alba dolens A complication of deep venous thrombosis of the iliofemoral veins in which the limb distal to the clot becomes extremely pale, swollen, and tender. SYN: milk leg; white leg. SEE: deep venous thrombosis.

cellulitic p. Septic inflammation of the connective tissue of the leg following childbirth.

p. cerulea dolens A complication of deep venous thrombosis of the iliofemoral veins, in which the entire limb distal to the clot becomes swollen, purple, and painful.


(fleg-mat′ik) [L. phlegmaticus fr Gr. phlegmatikos, pert. to phlegm (the bodily humor)] Of sluggish or dull temperament; apathetic.


(flĕg′mŏn) [Gr. phlegmone, inflammation] Acute suppurative inflammation of subcutaneous connective tissue, esp. a pyogenic inflammation that spreads along fascial planes or other natural barriers.

diffuse p. Diffuse inflammation of subcutaneous tissues with sepsis.

gas p. Gas gangrene.


(flĕg′mŏn-ŭs) Pert. to inflammation of subcutaneous tissues.

Phleum pratense

(flē′ŭm prā-ten′sē) SEE: timothy grass.

phlorhizin, phlorizin, phloridzin

(flōr′ĭzĭn, flŏ-rīz′ĭn, flōr′ĭd-zĭn, flŏ-rid′zĭn) [Gr. phloios, phloos, bark + rhizo- + -in] A glycoside present in the bark of some fruit trees. It is a powerful inhibitor of sugar transport in some animals.


(flok′sēn″, flok′sĕn) A derivative of fluorescein used in histopathology to stain cells red.


(flĭk-tĕn′ū-lăr) Pert. to or resembling vesicles or pustules.


(fō′bē-ă) [Gr. phobos, fear + -ia] Any persistent, intensely felt, and irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that results in a compelling desire to avoid the feared stimulus.

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