(per″i-ŭm-bil′ĭ-kăl) [peri- + umbilical] Around or near the umbilicus (navel). SYN: paraumbilical.
(per″ē-ŭng′gwăl) [peri- + ungual,] Around a nail.
(pĕr″ē-ū-rē′thrăl) [″ + ourethra, urethra] Located around the urethra.
(per″i-vas′kyŭ-lăr) [peri + vascular] Around a vessel, esp. a blood vessel. SYN: angiocentric.
(pĕr″ĭ-văs″kū-lī′tĭs) [perivascul(ar) + -itis] Periangiitis.
(per″i-ven-trik′yŭ-lăr) Around a ventricle, esp. of the brain. SEE: ventricle.
(per″i-vĕrt′ĕ-brăl) [peri- + vertebral] Around a vertebra.
(per″i-ves′ĭ-kăl) [peri- + vesical] Around the urinary bladder.
(pĕrl) [Fr., pearl] A soft capsule containing medicine.
(pĕr-lĕsh′) [Fr.] Angular cheilosis.
(pŭrlz stān) [Max Perls, Ger. pathologist, 1843–1881] A histochemical stain that demonstrates iron when it is present in body tissues.
(pĕr′mă-nĕnt) [″ + manere, to remain] Enduring; without change.
(pĕr-măn′gă-nāt) Any one of the salts of permanganic acid.
(pĕr″mē-ă-bil′ ĭt-ē) The quality of being permeable; that which may be traversed.
capillary p. The condition of the capillary wall that enables substances in the blood to pass into tissue spaces or into cells, or vice versa.
(pĕr′mē-ă-b'l) Capable of allowing the passage of fluids or substances in solution. SYN: pervious (1).
(pĕr″mē-ā′shŏn) [L. permeare, to pass through, permeate] Penetration of and spreading throughout an organ, tissue, or space.
(pĕr-mĕth-rĭn) An insecticide and insect repellent that has been used to treat scabies and lice infestations, and to protect people from tick exposure while working or playing outdoors.
(pĕr-mis′ĭ-bĕl) [L. permissibilis] Acceptable or allowable.
(pĕrm″sĕ-lek-tiv′ĭt-ē) [perm(eability) + selectivity] Any limitation of the permeability of a filter, e.g., the renal glomerulus, to the passage of macromolecules.
(pĕr″mū-tā′shŭn) [L. per, completely, + mutare, to change] Transformation; complete change; act of altering objects in a group.
(pĕr-nish′ŭs) [L. perniciosus, destructive] Very destructive or harmful.