(pĕr-sen′tīl″) One of 100 equal divisions of a series of items or data. Thus if a value such as a test score is higher than 92% of all the other test scores, that result is above the 92nd percentile of the range of scores. SYN: centile.
(pĕr′sept″) The mental image of an object seen.
(pĕr-sep′shŏn) [L. perceptio, taking, receiving] 1. Awareness of objects; consciousness. 2. Observing or receiving sensory information. 3. The elaboration of a sensory impression; the ideational association modifying, defining, and usually completing the primary impression or stimulus. Vague or inadequate association occurs in confused and depressed states.
auditory p. 1. Perception through the sense of hearing. 2. Ability to identify, interpret, and attach meaning to sound.
depth p. Perception of spatial relationships in three dimensions. SYN: three-dimensional perception.
extrasensory p. ABBR: ESP. Paranormal perception of information or knowledge and including telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. SYN: anomalous perception. SEE: paranormal.
gustatory p. Perception through the sense of taste.
olfactory p. Perception through the sense of smell.
stereognostic p. The recognition of objects by touch.
tactile p. Perception through the sense of touch.
three-dimensional p. Depth p.
visual p. Perception through the sense of sight.
(pĕr-sep-tiv) Able to respond to sense impressions. perceptivity (pĕr-sep″tiv′ĭt-ē), n.
(pĕr′kō-lāt) [L. percolare, to strain through] 1. To allow a liquid to seep through a powdered substance. 2. Any fluid that has been filtered or percolated. 3. To strain a fluid through powdered substances in order to impregnate it with dissolved chemicals.
(pĕr″kŏ-lā′shŏn) [L. percolare, to filter] 1. The process of extracting soluble portions of a drug of powdered composition by filtering a liquid solvent through it. 2. Filtration.
(pĕr′kō-lā″tor) An apparatus used for extraction of a drug with a liquid solvent.
(pĕr-kŭs′) [L. percutere] To tap parts of the body to aid diagnosis by listening carefully to the sounds they emit.
(pĕr-kŭsh′ŏn) [L. percussio, a striking] 1. Striking the body surface (usually with the fingers or a small hammer) to determine the position, size, or density of underlying structures. 2. A technique for mobilizing secretions from the lungs by striking the chest wall with cupped hands. 3. Any of the techniques of body massage in which the hands are used to strike the body and ...