(par″ă-sim″pă-thō-lit′ik) [para- + sympatholytic] Anticholinergic.
(păr″ă-sĭm″pă-thō-mĭm-ĕt′ĭk) [″ + ″ + mimetikos, imitative] Producing effects similar to those resulting from stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
(păr-ă-sĭs′tō-lē) [″ + systole, contraction] An ectopically originating cardiac rhythm independent of the normal sinus rhythm.
(par″ă-ten′ŏn, par″ă-ten′on″) [para- + Gr. tenōn, tendon] Fatty and areolar tissue that fills the spaces within the fascia around a tendon.
(păr″ă-tĕs′tĭs) [″ + ″] The anatomical structures immediately adjacent to the testis.
(par″ă-thī′ŏn, par″ă-thī′on″) [para- + thio- + -one] An agricultural insecticide that is highly toxic to humans and animals. SEE: malathion.
(păr″ă-thor′mōn) [Gr. para, beside, + thyreos, shield, + eidos, form, shape, + hormaein, to excite] Parathyroid hormone.
(par-ă-thī′royd″) [para- + thyroid] Adjacent to the thyroid gland.
(păr″ă-thī-royd-ĕk′tō-mē) [″ + ″ + ″ + ektome, excision] Surgical removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands; used as a treatment for hyperparathyroidism or neoplasm. Because the parathyroid glands maintain serum calcium levels, removal of the parathyroid glands may produce profound hypocalcemia.
PATIENT CARE: The patient's understanding of the procedure and postoperative care is assessed. The health care provider gives additional information and answers questions. Baseline levels of serum potassium, calcium, phosphate, and magnesium are obtained prior to treatment and are carefully monitored in both blood and urine throughout preoperative treatment and the postoperative period. Preoperatively serum calcium levels are reduced by forcing fluids, limiting calcium in the diet, using intravenous normal saline solution plus furosemide or ethacrinic acid to promote diuresis and increase sodium and calcium excretion, and administering sodium or potassium phosphate, subcutaneous calcitonin, intravenous biphosphonates, or intravenous plicamycin. During this period of hydration, fluid intake and output are recorded, with total intake of at least 3 L/day. All urine is strained for calculi. Breath sounds are auscultated frequently to assess the patient for volume overload. Because the patient is at risk for pathologic fractures, safety precautions are taken to minimize potential injuries. The bed is kept in low position with side rails in place. The patient is moved and turned gently and carefully, and assisted with walking. Postoperatively, all general patient care concerns apply. The head of the patient's bed should be slightly elevated (semi-Fowler's position) and the patient watched closely for respiratory distress. A tracheostomy tray should be available at the bedside for emergency use. The patient is also assessed for laryngeal nerve damage (hoarseness ...