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(pă-ră-mĕd-ĭ-lăl) Supplementing the work of medical personnel.

paramedical personnel

Health care workers who are not physicians or nurses. These include medical technicians, emergency medical technicians, and physician assistants. SEE: allied health professional.


(par″ă-med′ĭ-sĭn) [para- + medicine] The range of medical services provided by Emergency Medical Technicians. SYN: community paramedicine; mobile integrated health care.

community p. Paramedicine.


(pă-ram′ĕt-ĕr) [para- + -meter] 1. In mathematics, an arbitrary constant, each value of which determines the specific form of the equation in which it appears. The term is often misused for variable. 2. In biostatistics, a measurable or adjustable characteristic; a named value. parametric (par″ă-me′trik), adj.


(par″ă-mĕ-trīt′ĭs) [parametrium + -itis] An inflammation of the parametrium,. It may occur in puerperal fever or septic conditions of the uterus and appendages. SYN: pelvic cellulitis. parametritic (par″ă-mĕ-trit′ik), adj.


(par-ă-mē′trē-ŭm) [para- + 1metro- + -ium (2)] Loose connective tissue around the uterus.


(par″ă-mī″ŏ-tō′nē-ă) [para- + myotonia] A disorder marked by muscular spasms and abnormal muscular tonicity.

ataxic p. Tonic muscular spasm with slight ataxia or paresis during any attempt at movement.

p. congenita A congenital condition of tonic muscular spasms when the body is exposed to cold. SYN: Eulenburg disease.

symptomatic p. Temporary muscular rigidity when one first tries to walk, as in Parkinson's disease.


(par″ă-mik″sŏ-vī′rŭs) [para- + myxo- + virus] any of a family (Paramyxoviridae) of singlestranded RNA viruses that are similar in physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, even though they are quite different pathogenetically. The group includes parainfluenza, measles, mumps, Newcastle disease, and respiratory syncytial viruses. SEE: orthomyxovirus.

paraneoplastic syndromes

(pă-ră-nēō-plăs′-tĭk) Indirect effects of cancers, such as metabolic disturbances or hormonal excesses produced by chemicals released by tumor cells. Tumors such as small-cell carcinoma of the lung, hypernephroma, and neuroendocrine cancers are often responsible.


(par″ă-noor′ăl) [para- + neural] Adjacent to a nerve.


(par″ă-noor′on″) A cell of epithelial origin with a membrane that can generate an action potential, and secrete neurotransmitters at a synaptic junction. It does not have either dendrites or an axon, e.g., the primary sensory cells in taste buds.


(par″ă-noy′ă) [para- + Gr. nous, mind + -ia] ...

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