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(ō-vĕrt) [Fr. overt, open] Easily observable or clinically obvious; symptomatic. SEE: occult; subclinical.


ABBR: OTC. Pert. to medications that can be legally sold without a prescription, e.g., aspirin, herbals, homeopathic remedies, or shampoo containing coal tar.


(ō′vĕr-tō″) Displacement of the great toe away from and over the other toes.


(ō″vĕr-trēt′mĕnt) The treatment of clinically insignificant disease, that is, minor or indolent illnesses that do not require aggressive or invasive therapy.


(ō′vĕr-trē-azh″) The misidentification of patients who have minor illnesses or injuries but who on initial assessment appear to be critically ill.

overt thyroid disease

Any disease in which there are abnormal levels of free serum thyroxine or of triiodothyronine or of both.

overuse syndrome

An injury that results from repetitive use or overuse of a part of the body or from external pressure or environmental conditions, that can affect bones, joints bursae, muscles, tendons, nerves or other anatomical structures. Resulting disorders include carpal tunnel syndrome, ganglion cysts, tenosynovitis, tendinitis, pronator syndrome, peritendinitis, thoracic outlet syndrome, and cervical syndrome. Treatment for these conditions involves flexibility and strengthening exercises; severe or recurrent cases may require immobilization or surgery. There is a growing awareness of the importance of prevention through education, task modification, and workplace design based on ergonomic principles. SYN: cumulative trauma disorder; cumulative trauma syndrome; repetitive motion injury; repetitive strain injury. SEE: ergonomics.


(ō-vur-wāt′) 1. Having weight in excess of what is normal for a person's age, height, and build. 2. Having a body mass index (BMI) that exceeds the 95th percentile of other people of the same age. 3. Having a body mass index greater than 25 and less than 30. 4. A condition in which an individual accumulates abnormal or excessive fat for age and gender. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.

overweight, risk for

Vulnerable abnormal or excessive fat accumulation for age and gender, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.

ovi-, ovo-, ov-

[L. ovum, egg] Prefixes meaning egg.


(ō′vĭ-sīd) [L. ovum, egg, + caedere, to kill] An agent destructive to ova.


(ō′vĭ-dŭkt″) [ovi- + duct] Fallopian tube.


(ō′vĭ-form) [forma, shape] 1. Having the shape of an egg. 2. Resembling an ovum.


(ō′vīn″) [L. ovinus, pert. to sheep] Pert. to sheep.



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