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organic disease

A disease resulting from recognizable anatomical changes in an organ or tissue of the body.

organic dust toxic syndrome, organic dust toxicity syndrome

ABBR: ODTS. An nonallergenic, noninfectious, influenza-like espiratory disorder caused by inhalation of organic dusts, such as molds that contaminate grasses, hay, and other agricultural products. The most important sources are cotton dust, which causes byssinosis; grain dust; and exposure to moldy hay. It is also known scientifically as pulmonary mycotoxicosis and colloquially as farmer's lung or grain lung. Prominent symptoms are cough, chest tightness, muscle ache, and low-grade fever. SEE: byssinosis; hypersensitivity pneumonitis.


(or-gan″ĭ-fĭ-kā′shŏn) The biochemical incorporation of iodine into thyroid hormone precursors to make active thyroid hormones.


(or-gan′ĭ-fīd″) Linked to a molecule that contains carbon atoms; incorporated into an organic compound.


(or′găn-ĭzm) [organ + -ism] Any living thing, e.g., a bacterium, moneran, fungus, plant, or animal. An organism may be unicellular (bacteria, yeasts, protozoa) or multicellular (all complex organisms including humans).


(or″gă-nĭ-zā′shŏn) 1. The process of becoming organized. 2. Systematic arrangement. 3. Something organized.


(or′gă-nīz″) To develop from an amorphous state to one that has structure and form.


[Gr. organon, tool, bodily organ] Prefix meaning organ.


(or-găn′ō-jĕl) A water-in-oil emulsion used, e.g., as a drug delivery vehicle.


(or″gă-nō-jen′ĕ-sĭs) [organo- + genesis] The formation and development of body organs from embryonic tissues.

It is important that an embryo-fetus not be exposed to harmful chemicals, particularly during organogenesis. The embryo-fetus is most vulnerable to the damaging effects of infections or teratogenic drugs between the second and eighth weeks of gestation (and during the first trimester in general). organogenetic (or″gă-nō-jĕ-net ik), adj.


(or″gă-nō-lep′tik) 1. Pert. to or affecting a sense organ or its functions, e.g., the ear (hearing), the eye (vision), the nose (smell), the skin (touch), or the tongue (taste). 2. Susceptible to sensory impressions.


(or″gă-nō-meg′ă-lē) [organo- + -megaly] The enlargement of internal organs, e.g., the heart, kidneys, liver, or spleen.


(or-gă-nō-mĕ-tăl′ĭk) A compound containing a metal combined with an organic molecule.


(or-gan″ŏ-fos′fāt″) [organo- + phosphate] ABBR: OP. Any of the neurotoxic pesticides that are esters of phosphoric acid.

image These agents have been employed in chemical warfare. Examples of organophosphates include the insecticides malathion and diazinon ...

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