nurse-led chronic disease management
Nurse-led disease management.
nurse-led disease management
Case management of complex or costly diseases by registered nurses who have primary responsibility for patient contact and feedback, usually based on well-accepted, proven, disease-specific guidelines. SYN: nurse-led chronic disease management.
Nurse Reinvestment Act
Public law 107-205, a federal law enacted in 2002 that creates incentives to enter or remain in the nursing profession. It provides funding to recruit students, retain nurses in current assignments, train nurse educators, and ensure the competency of nurses who care for older adults.
A hospital department in which newborns are cared for.
nurse supply estimate
The number of licensed, registered nurses in active fulltime practice, plus half the number of licensed nurses who work part-time. The estimate includes all associate-, baccalaureate-, and graduate-level nurses.
(nŭrs′tip″) [Acronym from Nurse Training on Immunization Project] A national education project whose goal is to increase nursing knowledge and competency in contemporary immunization practices. Website: www.nursetip.org
nurse-to-patient ratio
The number of nurses assigned to care for a patient, esp. in a hospital. Low nurse-to-patient ratios have been associated with a decrease in the quality of hospital care and an increase in complications in care.
(nŭrs′ing) 1. The care and nurturing of healthy and ill people, individually or in groups and communities. The American Nurses Association identifies four essential features of contemporary nursing practice: attention to the full range of human experiences and responses to health and illness without restriction to a problem-focused orientation; integration of objective data with knowledge gained from an understanding of the patient or group's subjective experience; application of scientific knowledge to the processes of diagnosis and treatment; and provision of a caring relationship that facilitates health and healing. SEE: nurse. 2. Breast-feeding.
advanced practice n. Primary medical care provided by nurses prepared at the master's or doctoral level, including nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse anesthetists. These nurses may practice independently or with a supervising or collaborating physician.
barrier n. A form of infection control in which gloves, gowns, and masks are used to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses in health care settings. Situations calling for these precautions include care of patients with gas gangrene, fulminant sepsis, burns, tuberculosis, and other highly contagious conditions.
disaster n. Nursing that meets specific disaster nursing competencies and is provided to victims of disaster.
forensic n. A subspecialty of nursing requiring formal preparation (a master's or other postgraduate degree) in which nurses conduct ...