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(nă-trē′mē-ă) [L. natrium, sodium, + Gr. haima, blood] Sodium in the blood.


(nā′trē-ŭm) [Ult fr Gr. natron + -ium (1)] SYMB: Na. SEE: sodium.


(nā″trē-ū-rē′sĭs) [″ + Gr. ouresis, make water] The excretion of abnormal amounts of sodium in the urine.


(nā″trē-yŭ-ret′ik) [natrium + Gr. ourētikos, pert. to urine] 1. Pert. to the excretion of sodium in the urine. 2. A drug that increases the rate of sodium excretion in the urine. SYN: saluretic. SEE: diuretic.


[L. natura, nature] Not abnormal or artificial.

natural childbirth

SEE: under childbirth.

naturalistic fallacy

The belief that any natural product is safe, effective, and good for one's health. It is sometimes associated with the belief that any artificial product is unhealthy.

natural killer cell

SEE: natural killer cell.

naturally occurring retirement community

ABBR: NORC. An unplanned community in which at least 40 percent of the heads of households are over 60. NORCs form when a large number of young people move into a community and grow old there, when a large number of seniors move into a community, or when seniors remain in a community as younger people move out.

natural selection

SEE: under selection.

nature and nurture

The combination of a person's genetic constitution and the environmental conditions to which he or she is exposed. The interplay of these forces produces physical and mental characteristics that make each human being different from every other.

nature of illness

ABBR: NOI. The expression(s) of a disease and its meaning(s) to the patient and significant others.


(naw′sē-ă, naw-zē-ă) [Gr. nausia, seasickness] An unpleasant, queasy, or wavelike sensation in the back of the throat, epigastrium, or abdomen that may or may not lead to the urge or need to vomit. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.

PATIENT CARE: Any materials or environmental factors that precipitate the nausea should be removed. Frequency, time, amount, and characteristics of nausea-associated emesis are noted. Vomitus is tested for blood when indicated. Oral hygiene and comfort measures are provided. If nausea persists, professional evaluation may be advisable.

n. gravidarum Morning sickness. SEE: hyperemesis gravidarum.


(naw′shē-ănt, naw′sē-ănt) 1. Provoking nausea. 2. An agent that causes nausea.


(naw′shē-āt, naw′sē-āt) To cause nausea.

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