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(mŭl-tĭp′ăr-ŭs) Having borne more than one child.


(mŭl′tĭ-pl) [L. multiplex, many folded] 1. Consisting of or containing more than one; manifold. 2. Occurring simultaneously in various parts of the body.

multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome

ABBR: MCSS. The association of multiple physical symptoms with prolonged or recurrent exposures to low levels of environmental pollutants. Clinical research has failed to establish the precise nature of the syndrome, its causes, the functional limitations it may cause, or the best course of treatment. Many hypotheses have been suggested: some proponents of the syndrome believe that it results from allergic or immune-mediated mechanisms; skeptics have suggested that the symptoms are a form of masked depression, adverse conditioning to unusual odors, or, in some instances, a form of malingering. None of these hypotheses has been definitively proven.

multiple drug resistance

SEE: under resistance.

multiple-ejaculate resuspension and centrifugation

ABBR: MERC. A method of isolating viable sperm from men previously thought to be sterile for in vitro fertilization. The patient ejaculates three or four times in a 24-hr period, and the semen is collected and concentrated. The small number of sperm isolated from the specimens can be used to impregnate the man's partner.

multiple endocrine neoplasia

SEE: under neoplasia.

multiple malformation syndrome

Any of the developmental anomalies affecting two or more systems in the fetus. The anomalies may be caused by chromosomal and genetic abnormalities or by teratogens, including certain drugs and chemicals. In determining causes, it is important to obtain a complete family history and the history of exposure to known teratogens and infectious diseases. SEE: amniotic band disruption sequence syndrome.

multiple myeloma

SEE: myeloma, multiple.

multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

ABBR: MODS. Progressive failure of two or more organ systems, resulting from acute, severe illnesses or injuries (sepsis, systemic inflammatory response, trauma, burns) and mediated by the body's inability to sufficiently activate its defense mechanisms. SYN: multiple systems organ failure; multisystem organ failure.

PATIENT CARE: Patients at risk should be closely monitored to help prevent MODS by prompt recognition and correction of perfusion problems, infection, and organ dysfunction. Patients with MODS often have pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, and hepatic failure, often followed or accompanied by gram-negative sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Appropriate medical interventions are initiated for each failing system's problems. Nursing responsibilities include assessing for hemodynamic, acid-base and fluid and electrolyte balance, monitoring and assessing diagnostic study results, coordinating and carrying out prescribed therapies and evaluating patient responses while simultaneously assessing for adverse effects, protecting the patient from nosocomial infections and environmental stressors, and providing emotional ...

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