(mŏn″ō-krō′mă-tĭzm) [Gr. monos, single, + chroma, color, + -ismos, condition] Complete color blindness in which all colors are perceived as shades of gray. SYN: monochromasy.
(mŏn-ō-krō′mā-tor) A spectroscope modified for selective transmission of a narrow band of the spectrum.
(mon′ŏ-kĕl) [L. monoculus, one-eyed] A refractive lens worn in one eye to improve vision.
(mŏn″ō-klin′ĭk) [″ + klinein, to incline] Pert. to crystals in which the vertical axis is inclined to one lateral axis but at right angles to the other.
(mŏn″ō-klōn′ăl) Arising from a single cell.
ABBR: MoAb. SEE: antibody.
monoclonal antibody therapy
The use of monoclonal antibodies to suppress immune function, kill target cells, or treat specific inflammatory diseases. Because of their high level of specificity, they bind to precise cellular or molecular targets. A potential problem associated with the use of monoclonal antibodies is an allergic reaction to the foreign antigens in the antibody, since they are created from mouse cells. Monoclonal antibodies have numerous uses in health care. SEE: table; hybridoma; monoclonal antibody.
monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis
ABBR: MBL. The presence of a small clone of abnormal B lymphocytes in the blood, without signs or symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). It is a relatively common finding in adults over the age of 60. Between 1% and 2% of people with MBL develop CLL annually.
monoclonal Ig deposition disease
ABBR: MIDD. Any of a group of illnesses in which abnormal amounts of immunoglobulins or their components (light chains, heavy chains or both) circulate in the blood and clog and damage the filtration system of the kidneys. Examples of MIDD include light chain disease, heavy chain disease, and light and heavy chain disease.
(mŏn″ō-kŏn-tăm′ĭ-nāt″ĕd) Infected with a single species of organism.
(mŏn-ŏk′ū-lar) [″ + L. oculus, eye] 1. Concerning or affecting one eye. 2. Possessing a single eyepiece, as in a monocular microscope.
(mŏn-ŏk′ū-lŭs) 1.A bandage for shielding one eye. 2....