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The integration and organization of functions of the brain that result in the ability to perceive surroundings, to experience emotion, imagine, remember, process and understand new sense impressions, and exercise one's will, and to process information in an intelligent manner. The quality and quantity of the functions of the mind vary among individuals as well as according to experience and development.

mind-body duality

Dualism (2).


(mīnd′fool-nĕs″) Attentiveness; self-awareness.

mindfulness-based stress reduction

SEE: under reduction.

mind map

SEE: under map.


[L. minerale] 1. An inorganic element or compound occurring in nature, esp. one that is solid.

FUNCTION: Minerals are essential constituents of all cells; they form the greater portion of the hard parts of the body (bone, teeth, nails); they are essential components of respiratory pigments, enzymes, and enzyme systems; they regulate the permeability of cell membranes and capillaries; they regulate the excitability of muscular and nervous tissue; they are essential for regulation of osmotic pressure equilibria; they are necessary for maintenance of proper acid-base balance; they are essential constituents of secretions of glands; they play an important role in water metabolism and regulation of blood volume.

DAILY REQUIREMENTS: Because mineral salts and water are excreted daily from the body, they must be replaced through food intake. Daily values for principal minerals for a healthy adult are as follows: calcium, 800 to 1200 mg; copper, 2 mg; iodine, 150 μg (micrograms); magnesium, 400 mg; phosphorus, 1000 g; selenium, 55 to 70 mcg; zinc, 15 mg. Daily intake of sodium chloride should be limited to 6 g (2.4 g of sodium) or less each day.

2. Inorganic; not of animal or plant origin. 3. Impregnated with minerals, as mineral water. 4. Pert. to minerals.


(min″ĕ-răl-ī-zā′shŏn) 1. Normal or abnormal deposition of minerals in tissues. 2. In the food chain, the degradation by bacteria and fungi of complex organic molecules to simpler organics and inorganics.


(mĭn″ĕr-ăl-ō-kor′tĭ-koyd) A steroid hormone, e.g., aldosterone, that regulates the retention and excretion of fluids and electrolytes by the kidneys. SEE: aldosterone.

mineral spring

A natural water source that contains dissolved mineral salts, including calcium, fluoride, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. SEE: spa.

mineral water

SEE: under water.


(min′ē-kog″) A screening test used to detect cognitive deficits in patients with dementia. Patients are asked to draw a clock face and to remember three objects. The test is easier to administer ...

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