Any of several intermittent disorders, usually in patients with a family history of migraine headaches, characterized by attacks of head, neck, or abdominal pain; transient confusion or paralysis; or visual disturbances. Typical migraine headaches often develop in children and young adults who suffer from migraine variants.
(mī-grā′shŏn) [L. migratio, removal, migration] 1. Movement from one location to another. 2. Unwanted movement of an implanted device from its original therapeutic location to another part of the body, where it may cause injury. migratory (mī′gră-tor″ē), adj.
clot m. The movement of a venous thrombosis from a distal location to one that is closer to the right side of the heart or pulmonary artery. This may increase the chances of pulmonary embolism, and typically requires renewed anticoagulation.
m. of leukocytes Passage of white blood cells through walls of capillaries. SYN: diapedesis.
tooth m. The movement of teeth during eruption or out of their normal position in the dental arch due to periodontal disease or missing adjacent teeth.
Mikulicz-Radecki, Johann von
(mē-koo′lich-ra-det′skē) Polish-born Ger. surgeon, 1850–1905.
M.'s drain A large-scale capillary drain that also serves as a tampon to arrest bleeding. It consists of a tubular piece of iodoform gauze of proper size, placed in a cavity and filled with narrow strips of plain gauze until the necessary degree of compression is secured. This is used if there is parenchymatous oozing. SYN: Mikulicz tampon.
M.'s mask A gauze-covered frame worn over the nose and mouth during an operation.
M.'s pad A folded gauze pad for packing of the viscera in abdominal operations and as a sponge in general.
M.'s syndrome ABBR:MD. Chronic infiltration of the lacrimal and salivary glands by lymphocytes. The glandular swelling must be present for more than 3 months.
INCIDENCE: The disease is rare, affecting approx. 1 or 2 people per million. It is more commonly diagnosed in older men than in other populations.
CAUSES: It is caused by infiltration of the lacrimal and salivary glands by Immunoglobulin G4-positive cells and is considered an IgG4-related disease.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: In addition to painless enlargement of the salivary and lacrimal glands, patients with MD also have problems with allergic rhinitis and autoimmune pancreatitis. They may have other signs and symptoms of multiple organ infiltration by IgG4 positive lymphocytes, including autoimmune pancreatitis, lymphadenopathy, and orbital or renal pseudotumors.
DIAGNOSIS: Serum IgG4 levels are usually elevated. Biopsy specimens taken from involved tissues are densely infiltrated with IgG4-positive lymphocytes. CT or MRI findings of affected organs may also suggest the disease based on radiological criteria. The disease is ...