(mī″kros′kŏ-pē) [micro- + -scopy] Inspection with a microscope.
confocal m. Microscopy that permits high-resolution analysis of serial optical sections (microscopic tomograms) into the depths of tissues or cells.
epiluminescence m. Dermatoscopy.
multiphoton m. ABBR: MPM. A means of imaging tissues deep within the body by infrared fluorescence. The technique relies on the absorption of two photons directed into tissues by a pulsed infrared laser. It can be applied to the visualization of tissues beneath the body surface and to optical biopsy.
video m. The use of movie-making techniques, such as time-lapse photography, to obtain highly magnified microscopic images of tissues, thereby allowing observation of cellular processes as they occur.
virtual m. Examination of digitally imaged tissue specimens shared over computer networks.
(mī′krō-sĕk″ŭnd) One millionth (10−6) of a second.
(mī″krŏs-măt′ĭk) [″ + osmasthai, to smell] Having a poorly developed sense of smell.
microsomal ethanol oxidizing system
(mī″krō-sōm′āl) ABBR: MEOS. A hepatic enzyme system that catabolizes drugs and other potentially toxic substances. Ethanol ingested in relatively small amounts is catabolized by the hepatic enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Whenever ingested amounts of ethanol are large enough to overcome or deplete the alcohol dehydrogenase system, the MEOS becomes the major route for ethanol catabolism. Ethanol breakdown by the MEOS is not thought to produce as much energy as alcohol dehydrogenase breakdown, resulting in less weight gain than would be expected from the ethanol calories consumed.
(mī″krō-spĕk″ trō-fō-tŏm′ĕ-trē) Method for the histochemical study of substances present in cells, such as nucleic acid, based on absorption in the ultraviolet spectrum. This method permits quantitative and qualitative studies of certain cellular components.
(mī″krō-spĕk′trō-skōp) [″ + L. spectrum, image, + Gr. skopein, to examine] A combined spectroscope and microscope.
(mī′krō-sfēr) Minute container suitable for implantation or injection into the body or circulatory system. Microspheres may be used for delivering medicines to certain sites or, if radioactive, to study the blood flow to an area. If microspheres are used as a drug-delivery system, the container is designed to be dissolved in body fluids.
magnetic m. Microscopic magnetic particles that are used experimentally in autologous bone marrow transplant. The particles are coated with or coupled to antibodies and exposed to certain types of malignant cells in order to bind to them. The microspheres so bound can be removed by passing the cells through a ...