(mī″krō-fĭl′ă-mĕnt) Fibrils of the protein actin that form the cytoskeleton, which provides support and contributes to cellular movement.
(mī″krō-fĭl″ă-rē′mē-ă) Presence of microfilariae in the blood.
(mī″krō-fĭ-lar′ē-ă, -lar′ē-ē″) pl. microfilariae [micro- + filaria] The embryo of a filarial worm. Microfilariae are present in the blood and tissues of those infected with filariasis and are of importance in the diagnosis of filarial infections. microfilarial (-lar′ē-ăl), adj.
(mī″krō-fĭ-lar″ĭ-dĕrm′ē-ă) [microfilari(a) + dermato- + -ia] The presence of microfilaria in the skin.
(mī′krō-fĭlm″) A film containing a greatly reduced photoimage of printed or graphic matter.
(mī″krō-flō′ră) In a specific area, the plant life that is microscopic in size.
(mī″krō-floo-id′iks) [microfluidi + -ics] The science and technology of using minute amounts of fluid (nanoliters or picoliters) for blood cell separation, biochemical analysis, or genetic study.
(mī′krō-fŏrm″) [″ + ″] An incomplete or minor expression of a trait or illness.
(mī-krō-găm′ēt) [″ + gametes, spouse] Male reproductive cell in conjugation of protozoa.
(mī″krō-găs′trē-ă) [″ + gaster, stomach] Unusual smallness of the stomach.
(mī″krō-jĕn′ē-ă) [″ + geneion, chin] Abnormal smallness of the chin.
(mī-krog′lē-ă) [micro- + Gr. glia, glue] Cells of the central nervous system (CNS) that are present between neurons or next to capillaries and function as macrophages. SEE: illus.; gitter cell.
(mī″krō-glī-ō′mă) [″ + ″ + oma, tumor] A tumor composed of microglial cells.
(mī″krō-glī-ō-sĭs) [micro- + gliosis] The proliferation of microglial cells within injured or inflamed nerve tissue. SEE: microglial cell.
(mī-krō-glŏs′ē-ă) [″ + glossa, tongue] Abnormally small tongue.
(mī-krō-nā′thē-ă) [″ + gnathos, jaw] Abnormal smallness of jaws, esp. the lower jaw.
(mī′krō-grăm) ABBR: μg or mcg. One-millionth part of a gram; one-thousandth part of a milligram.
(mī′krō-grăf) [Gr. mikros, small, + graphein, to write] 1. Apparatus for magnifying and recording minute movements. 2. Photograph of an object seen through a microscope. SYN: photomicrograph....