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medically attended

Cared for by a health care professional.

medically necessary

In health insurance, pert. to any diagnostic, preventative, or therapeutic service that meets community standards of care.

medically needy

In eligibility for Medicaid, pert. to optional criteria allowing states to provide Medicaid to certain groups of clients whose income is too high to make them categorically eligible for Medicaid. The states must cover pregnant women and children under 18; the states have the option of covering children up to 21, parents and other relatives who are caretakers, older adults, and the disabled. More than 40 states and the District of Columbia administer Medicaid using these criteria. SEE: categorically needy.

medically underserved area

ABBR: MUA. A region with an inadequate supply of physicians, usually one where more than 400 people live for each physician in residence. SYN: physician shortage area. SEE: medically underserved population.

medically underserved population

An area or population designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration as having too few primary care providers, a high infant mortality, high poverty, and/or large older population. SEE: medically underserved area.

medical miracle

The unexplained spontaneous remission or cure of a medical condition thought to be invariably fatal or incurable or both.

medical monitoring

The legal or ethical mandate that a manufacturer of a potentially hazardous product pay for diagnostic tests to determine whether individuals exposed to the product may be developing early signs of injury or disease before they demonstrate any clinical evidence of disease.

medical nutrition therapy

ABBR: MNT. Nutritional counseling and drug prescriptions provided to patients with type 2 diabetes by dietitians or other nutritional specialists.

PATIENT CARE: The goal of MNT is to maintain blood glucose and lipid levels and blood pressure readings within normal limits. Unlike more restrictive diet plans, MNT allows the patient to eat a regular diet (including sugar), which enhances compliance, as long as carbohydrate intake is consistent each day. Consistent carbohydrate intake helps the provider and patient regulate insulin doses.

Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey

ABBR: SF-36. A study that provides perceived health status in eight domains. These domains are: 1) limitation of physical activity resulting from health problems; 2) limitation of social activity caused by physical or emotional problems; 3) physical health problems limiting usual activities; 4) bodily pain; 5) general mental health (psychological distress or well-being); 6) limitation of usual activities due to emotional problems; 7) vitality (energy and fatigue); and 8) general health perceptions.The SF-36 is designed for use in those over the age of ...

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