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(loo″mĭ-nĭf′ĕr-ŭs) [L. lumen, light, + ferre, to bear] Producing or conveying light.


(loo-mĭn-ŏm′ĕ-tĕr) A luminescence photometer used to assay chemluminescent and bioluminescent reactions. It is used clinically to assay for bacteria and living cells.


(loo′mĭ-nō-for″) [″ + Gr. phoros, bearing] A chemical present in organic compounds that permits luminescence of those compounds.


(loo′mĭ-nŭs) Emitting light.


(lŭmp-ek′tŏ-mē) [lump + -ectomy] Surgical removal of a tumor and the immediately adjacent tissue from the breast. If cancer is identified in the lump or in neighboring lymph nodes, adjunctive therapies may be recommended, e.g., chemotherapy or radiation therapy. SYN: partial mastectomy; segmental mastectomy; tylectomy.


(loo′nă-sē) [lunatic] 1. Episodic insanity, formerly believed to be related to lunar phases. 2. Extreme foolishness in thinking, speech, or behavior. SEE: lunatic.


(loon′ĕr) Pert. to the moon, a month, or silver.


(loo′nāt″) [L. luna, moon] 1. Moon-shaped; crescent. 2. A bone in the proximal row of the carpus. SYN: semilunar bone.


(loo′nă-tik″) [L. lunaticus, pert. to the moon] 1. Pert. to or suffering from lunacy; insane. 2. A person suffering from lunacy. 3. Extremely foolish in thought, word, or deed. SEE: lunacy.


(lŭng) Either of two cone-shaped spongy organs of respiration contained within the pleural cavity of the thorax. SEE: illus.; alveolus for illus.





ANATOMY: The lungs are connected with the pharynx through the trachea and larynx. The base of each lung rests on the diaphragm, and each lung apex rises from 2.5 to 5 cm above the sternal end of the first rib, the collarbone (clavicle), supported by its attachment to the hilum or root structures. The lungs include the lobes, lobules, bronchi, bron-chioles, alveoli (air sacs), and pleural covering.

The right lung has three lobes and the left two. The lungs contain 300,000,000 alveoli, and their respiratory surface is about 70 sq m. Respirations per minute are 12 to 20 in an adult. The total capacity of the lung varies from 3.6 to 9.4 L in men and 2.5 to 6.9 L in women.

The left lung has an indentation (the cardiac depression), for the normal placement of the heart. Behind this is the hilum, through which the blood vessels, lymphatics, and bronchi enter and leave the lung.

Air travels from the nasal passages to the pharynx, larynx, and ...

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