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(lī′bĕl) [L. libellus, little book, pamphlet] Defaming the character of another by means of the written word. To qualify legally as libel, written communication must intentionally impugn the reputation of another person and be both malicious and demonstrably false.


(lĭ-bid′ĭn-ŭs) [L. libidinosus, pert. to desire] Pert. to or marked by sexual desires.


(lĭ-bī′dō, lĭ-bē′dō) [L. libido, desire] 1. The sexual drive, conscious or unconscious. 2. In psychoanalysis, the energy that is the driving force of human behavior. It has been variously identified as the sex urge, desire to live, desire for pleasure, or satisfaction.

low l. A sexual dysfunction marked by inhibited sexual desire and inability to sustain arousal during sexual activities. Diminished sexual drive may be related to advanced age, psychogenic causes, general illness, side effects of some medications, or substance abuse.

 In men it manifests as partial or complete failure to attain or maintain erection until completion of the sex act. In women there is partial or complete failure to attain or maintain the vaginal lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement until completion of the sex act. SEE: table.

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Some Classes of Drugs That Inhibit Libido
Class Examples
alcohol beer, liquor, wine
antidepressants amitriptyline, fluoxetine
alpha blockers clonidine
beta blockers atenolol, propranolol
drugs of abuse amphetamines, cocaine, heroin
histamine2 blockers cimetidine
major tranquilizers clozapine, fluphenazine, thioridazine
oral contraceptives many types
sedative/hypnotics benzodiazepines

Libman-Sacks endocarditis

An eponym for nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis.


A stored, retrievable collection of data.


Pl. of louse.

licensed occupational therapist

ABBR: LOTR; OTR/L. An occupational therapist who has met the requirements to practice in states with licensure laws governing occupational therapy. Usually, licensed therapists have been certified by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy as a registered occupational therapist (OTR). Some state governments, as part of their licensure statutes, permit use of the OTR/L or LOTR designations.

licensing, compulsory

A law granting a government access to patented drugs and other intellectual property before the patent formally expires. Drug companies have opposed compulsory licensing on the grounds that it limits the financial value of patent holding. Some nations have sought obligatory access to drugs, or their generic copies, to limit pharmaceutical costs or address national health emergencies.


(lī′sĕn-shŭr) In the health care professions, the granting of permission (official, legal, or both) to perform professional actions that may not be legally performed by those who do not have such permission. Qualification for a license in health care is usually ...

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