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laryngo-, laryng-

[Gr. larynx, stem laryng-, larynx] Prefixes meaning larynx.


(lăr-ĭn′gō-sēl) [″ + kele, tumor, swelling] A congenital air sac connected to the larynx. Its presence is normal in some animals but abnormal in humans.


(lă-rĭng′gō-grăm) [″ + gramma, something written] A radiograph of the larynx.


(lă-ring′gŏ-graf″) [laryngo- + -graph] A device for making a record of laryngeal movements. laryngography (lar″ĭn-gog′ră-fē), n.


(lăr″ĭn-gŏg′ră-fē) 1. A description of the larynx. 2. Radiography of the larynx using a radiopaque contrast medium.


(lăr″ĭn-gŏl′ō-jĭst) [″ + logos, word, reason] A specialist in laryngology.


(lăr″ĭng-gŏl′ŏ-jē) The specialty of medicine concerned with the pharynx, throat, larynx, nasopharynx, and tracheobronchial tree.


(lăr-ĭng″gō-mă-lā′shē-ă) [″ + malakia, softness] A softening of the tissues of the larynx.


(lăr-ĭn″gō-făr-ĭn′jē-ăl) [″ + pharynx, throat] Rel. jointly to the larynx and pharynx.


(lăr-ĭn″gō-făr-ĭn-jĕk′tō-mē) [″ + ″ + ektome, excision] Surgical removal of the larynx and pharynx. It is usually only performed for cancers of the head and neck.


(lă-rĭng″gō-fă-rĭn′jē-ŭs) The muscle that constricts the inferior pharynx.


(lăr-ĭn″gō-făr′ĭnks) [Gr. larynx, larynx, + pharynx, throat] Hypopharynx.


(lăr-ĭn′gō-plăs″tē) [″ + plassein, to form] Plastic surgery of the larynx.


(lă-ring′gŏ-skōp″) [-scope + laryngo-] An instrument consisting of a blade and a fiber-optic light source, used to examine the larynx, e.g., during endotracheal intubation.


(lăr″ĭng-gŏs′kō-pĭst) [″ + skopein, to examine] An individual trained in laryngoscopy.


(lăr″ĭn-gŏs′kō-pē) Visual examination of the interior of the voice box (the larynx) to determine the cause of hoarseness, obtain cultures, remove a foreign body, manage the upper airway, or take biopsies of potentially malignant lesions.

PATIENT CARE: Short-acting intravenous sedation or anesthesia is administered along with oxygen. Vital signs and cardiac status are monitored throughout the procedure. After the procedure, the patient is placed in the semi-Fowler position, and vital signs are monitored until stable. Oral intake is withheld until the patient's swallowing reflex has returned, usually within 2 to 8 hr. An emesis basin is provided for saliva. Sputum is inspected for blood. Excessive bleeding is reported. Application of an ice collar helps to minimize edema; subcutaneous crepitus around the face or neck should be reported immediately because ...

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