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(kĭn″ē-măt′ĭks) [Gr. kinematos, movement] The branch of biomechanics concerned with description of the movements of segments of the body without regard to the forces that caused the movement to occur. SEE: arthrokinematics; osteokinematics.


(kĭn′ĕ-skōp) [″ + skopein, to examine] A device for testing the refraction of the eye. A slit of variable width moves as the patient observes a fixed object.


[Gr. -kinēsia, fr. kinēsis, movement] Suffix meaning motion, movement, or sickness caused by motion. SEE: kinesis.


(kĭ-nē″sē-ăt′rĭks) [″ + iatrikos, curative] Kinesiotherapy.


(kĭn″ĕ-sĭm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + metron, measure] An apparatus for determining the extent of movement of a part.


(kĭ-nē″sē-ŏd′ĭk) [″ + hodos, path] Pert. to paths through which motor impulses pass.


(kĭ-nē″sē-ol′ŏ-jē, kī-,″zē-) [kinesis + -logy] The study of muscles and body movement. SEE: biomechanics.


(kĭ-nē″sē-ō-nū-rō′sĭs) [″ + neuron, nerve, + osis, condition] A functional disorder marked by tics and spasms. SEE: Tourette's syndrome.

external k. Kinesioneurosis affecting external muscles.

vascular k. Kinesioneurosis of the vasomotor system.

visceral k. Kinesioneurosis affecting muscles of internal organs.

kinesiotherapy, kinesitherapy

(kĭ-nē″sē-ō-thĕr′ă-pē, kĭ-nē″sē-thĕr′ă-pē) [″ + therapeia, treatment] A rehabilitative treatment that uses exercise or movement. It was formerly known as corrective therapy and was devised by the U.S. Armed Forces to help physical therapists with the large number of soldiers wounded during World War II. SYN: kinesiatrics; motorpathy.


(kĭ-nē′sĭs) [Gr. kinēsis, movement] Movement, esp. of an organism in reaction to a stimulus, as of a plant toward light. SEE: -kinesia.


(kin″ĕs-thē′zh(ē-)ă) [kino- + -esthesia] The ability to perceive extent, direction, or weight of movement. kinesthetic (kin″ĕs-thet′ik), adj.


(kĭn″ĕs-thē-zē-ŏm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + ″ + metron, measure] An instrument for testing the ability to determine the position of the muscles.


(kĭ-nĕt′ĭk) [Gr. kinesis, motion] Pert. to or consisting of motion.


(kĭ-net′iks, kī-) 1. The branch of biomechanics that examines the forces acting on the body during movement and the motion with respect to time and forces. 2. The turnover rate or rate of change of a factor, esp. a chemical process.

cell k. The study of cells and their growth and division. Study of these factors has led to understanding of cancer cells ...

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