We are very grateful for the contributions of the many people who were involved in the development and production of this text. Photographer Jocelyn Molleur applied her skill and patience during many sessions at the physical therapy laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Lowell to produce the high-quality photographs that appear in both the third and fourth editions. Her efforts combined with those of Lucia Grochowska Littlefield, who took the photographs for the first edition, are responsible for an important feature of the book. Timothy Malone, an artist from Ohio, used his talents, knowledge of anatomy, and good humor to create the excellent illustrations that appear in this edition. We also offer our thanks to Colleen DeCotret, Alexander White, Claudia Van Bibber, and University of Massachusetts Lowell physical therapy students: Rachel Blakeslee, Rebecca D'Amour, and Chris Fournier who graciously agreed to be subjects for the new photographs and provided painstaking research support for the fourth edition.
We wish to express our appreciation to these dedicated professionals at F. A. Davis: Margaret Biblis, Publisher, and Melissa Duffield, Acquisitions Editor, for their encouragement and commitment to excellence. Our thanks are also extended to George Lang, Manager of Content Development; David Orzechowski, Managing Editor; Robert Butler, Production Manager; Karen Carter, Developmental Editor; Carolyn O'Brien, Manager of Art and Design; Katharine L. Margeson, Illustration Coordinator; Elizabeth Stepchin, Developmental Associate; Stephanie Casey, Administrative Assistant; and Jean-Francois Vilain, Former Publisher for the first and second editions. We are very grateful to the numerous students, faculty, and clinicians who over the years have used the book or formally reviewed portions of the manuscript and offered insightful comments and helpful suggestions that have improved this text.
Finally, we wish to thank our families: Cynthia's daughter, Alexandra, and her daughters, Taylor and Kimberly; and Joyce's husband, Jonathan, sons, Alexander and Ethan, and parents, Dorothy and Emerson, for their continuing encouragement and support. We will always be appreciative.