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Program Proposal Guidelines

  1. Introduction: Summary Statement

    One-paragraph description of the program. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

  2. Statement of Need

    What purpose does the program serve? Provide data to support the need. Relate to vision, mission, or goals of the organization. What are the projected benefits and whom do they benefit?

  3. Detailed Description of the Program

    Target audience?

    Scope of work?


    Systematic approach to tasks and processes?

    Resources required?

    Personnel and their responsibilities?


    Expected patient (client, other) outcomes?

  4. Financial Justification

    How much will the program cost?

    How much revenue will it generate?

  5. Larger Context

    How does the program relate to (impact) other units in the organization?

  6. Program Outcomes and Assessment

    What will the program accomplish? How will it be measured?

  7. Conclusion

    One paragraph. In summary, why should this program be implemented?

Feasibility Study Guidelines

  1. General Description

    One paragraph that answers the following:

    What is the idea?

    What are the possible scenarios or business models that might be considered for this type of project?

    Why was this one selected for further study?

    If implemented, what product or service will be marketed?

    How will the business make money?

    Where will it be?

    What would be the time span from initiation to the time the door is opened for the business to run at full capacity?

    What is its potential impact on the community?

    What is the expected vision and mission?

  2. Market Feasibility

    1. Size and scope of the industry, market, market segments (e.g., physical therapy = industry, orthopedic physical therapy = market, and sports-related injured patients = market segment)

    2. The market (stability? growth? changing?)

    3. Competition (Who? How many? Where are they?)

    4. Emerging opportunities (New populations? Potential for new brand? Healthcare policy changes?)

    5. Demand (What is the need?)

    6. Potential market share and/or market segment (Expanding to meet needs competition cannot meet or taking away from competitors?)

    7. Potential buyers (Insurers? Employers? Patients?)

    8. Projected units of services (Visits/month? Gym memberships?)

    9. Potential market barriers (Insurance contracts? New competition?)

    10. Technical Feasibility

    1. Facility needs (Size and type? Related services? Build-out?)

    2. Location (Access? Transportation? Regulatory requirements? Workforce availability?)

    3. Equipment (Purchase? Lease? Delivery? Set up?)

  3. Financial Feasibility

    1. Estimate of the total capital requirements (Start-up funds to cover expenses until revenue is realized? Facilities, equipment, and supplies needed to open the doors? Working capital? Contingency capital?)

    2. Estimate of equity and credit needs (Family? Investors? Banks? Government?)

    3. Budget (Expected revenue and costs? Profit margin? Expected net profit? Breakeven? Cash flow? Best- and worst-case scenarios?)

    4. Fully operational balance sheet

    5. Underlying assumptions and summary

  4. Organizational/Managerial Feasibility

    1. Legal structure (Corporation, Limited partnership, Other?)

    2. Staffing and governance (Lines of authority? Decision-making structure?)

    3. Important stakeholders (Joint venture partners? Alliances? Other?)

    4. Availability of key personnel (Business managers? Consultants? Legal? Accounting? Other?)

    5. Key leaders and/or founders (Character? Skills? Past experience?)

  5. Summary and Recommendations

    • One paragraph: Summary of recommended project, issues/assumptions for further study, Recommendations for action and next steps

Business Plan Guidelines

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