Patient: __________ Medical Record #: __________
D.O.B. __________ Age: __________
Referring physicians and physicians to whom we should send report (please give addresses):
Describe the major problem or reason you are seeing us:
When did this problem begin? __________________
Specifically, do you experience spells of vertigo (a sense of spinning)? Yes No
If yes, how long do these spells last? __________
When was the last time the vertigo occurred? __________
Do you experience a sense of being off-balance (disequilibrium)? Yes No
If yes, is the feeling of being off-balance:
Does the feeling of being off-balance occur when you are:
Do you or have you fallen (to the ground)? Yes No
If yes, please describe __________
How often do you fall? __________
If yes, please describe: __________
Do you or have you had “near falls”? Yes No
Do you stumble, stagger, or side-step while walking? Yes No
Do you drift to one side while you walk? Yes No
If yes, to which side do you drift? Right Left
Pertinent Past Medical History
If yes, please describe ____________________
When did it occur? ____________________
What medications do you take?