The production of Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children is truly a collaborative team effort. Collaborative teamwork is a hallmark of pediatric physical therapy, and it certainly was evident in the writing of this new edition. The new authors who joined the team include Janice Howman, Lindsay Alfano, Jennifer Furze, Alyssa LaForme Fiss, Stacey DiBiaso Caviston, Rachel Unanue Rose, Heather Atkinson, Trina Puddefoot, Marcia Kaminker, Deborah Anderson, and Mary Jo Paris. They have added not only geographic diversity, but their expertise crosses a wide range of pediatric physical therapy practice. A special thanks to Alyssa LaForme Fiss for accepting and editing all of the intervention videotapes. Numerous graduate students have provided valuable assistance to many of the authors over the years. There are just too many to name, but their assistance was invaluable, and we hope they learned from the experience. They now know that their faculty does not do this work for remuneration—a dollar an hour is not motivation! The service to the profession and the children we serve is what drives these outstanding authors.
The authors have done an amazing job integrating all of the new literature into a manageable publication. Each of the systems chapters could be a text by themselves, so the authors are to be commended for keeping this publication from getting unwieldy. Being concise is very difficult.
The individuals at F. A. Davis Company have been there throughout the publication process. Margaret Biblis and Melissa Duffield have been incredibly supportive, as have the numerous developmental editors, including Donna Conaway-Morrissey, who finally got the text into production. There are certainly more people to thank, and I send apologies to those inadvertently left out.